Saturday 6 April 2013


yesterday =[
sad face mean bad day??
kind of..
1st i feel vexed with him [andy]
we are not suit for each other
he is just too childish
like i'm taking care a kid
and he look like this

and i look like this
i'm not his mom ok?
y he is not the one who take care of me?

someone never take good care of his body
coughing like hell
my heart is aching 
tired still don wan to sleep
always like this
Hey fucker can u just take good care of your health
tired than sleep la drink apa coffee o0o
make ppl worry about u oly

Today ^^

DO stupid thing
get lost in my own flat
from level 3 walk to level 13 using the stairs
than donno how jump to block J
walk back to level G 
never bring my key so i can't use the elevator without the stupid card
and the stairs door locked 
and i never bring any money and phone
sooooo i am trapped
walk for 20 minutes thinking how to get the fuck out of here
and go home
at last i ask the security for help
lucky him never ask a lot of thing
reach home rest for 5 minutes
go gym with mom

after my gym , swim with the little boy again
tomoro sure muscle pain...


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